Are you unsafe right now
start the conversation.
Ask. Listen. Believe.
Are You Safe
at Home? Day
10 May
If you’re worried about someone you know who might be experiencing abuse, it can be hard to know what to do. But just by asking, listening and believing, you can have an enormous impact on someone’s journey to safety.
If you’re experiencing abuse, you don’t have to face this alone.
Help and support is available. This website features information around family violence and where to go for specialist support.
Is someone you know unsafe?
Ending family violence is everyone’s business – and you have a crucial role to play.
This website features helpful tips, conversation starters and information to help you support a friend, family member or colleague.
Community languages
Access information, advice, and support for people experiencing family violence, and their friends and family. Click on each language to view or download the resources in your preferred language.
Easy English
Information from this website is also available in an Easy English downloadable booklet called ‘How to feel safe at home if there is family violence’.
Support for LGBTIQA+ people
Because of biphobia, homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism and heteronormativity, there are different risks and barriers that may stop LGBTIQA+ adults, couples, parents and young people from accessing support for family violence.
You deserve to be safe, happy and supported in your relationships. Support is available if you do not feel that way.
A conversation for everyone
We can all keep an eye out for the signs of family violence, speak up, and offer support. With the right approach, your support can make a real difference. Learn how to ask “are you safe at home?” by watching our new video series.
“Living in fear” (English)
Learn more about what family violence is, and how you can access support if you are experiencing abuse.
“How do I ask my friend or family member if they are safe at home?” (English)
Learn more about how to ask a loved one if they are safe at home.
“Recognising the signs of family violence” (English)
Learn more about the signs of family violence, and how to start the conversation with a loved one.
“Helping a loved one who isn’t safe at home” (English)
Learn about safe ways to respond if someone you care about is experiencing abuse.
Find support
in your state
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger dial 000 immediately.
There is help and advice available in your state if you or someone you know is or may be experiencing family violence.